In Ger­ma­ny moni­to­ring com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and “cen­sor­s­hip” of media by government or courts is allo­wed only in a very restric­ted man­ner to guran­tee free­dom of expression.

Accord­ing to the “Repor­ters Without Bor­ders Press Free­dom Index”, Ger­ma­ny is cur­r­ent­ly ran­ked 16th out of 179 coun­tries in the world in terms of press free­dom. But: the inter­net chal­len­ges the Ger­man laws regar­ding pri­va­cy and the pos­si­bi­li­ty of natio­nal law enfor­ce­ment. Due to poli­ti­cal sym­bo­lism and hel­pless­ness, a ten­den­cy can be noted world­wi­de to limit the free­dom of inter­net more than would be con­si­de­red with regard to clas­sic media.



I was invi­ted by the Ger­man Minis­try of For­eign Affairs to give a lec­tu­re on this years Inter­na­ti­on Blog­ger Tour about the Legal Frame­work in Ger­ma­ny. The pre­sen­ta­ti­on of my speech can be down­loa­ded here.